Alcoholic beverages are a large part of life at Rude Manor. Responsible consumption is loosely followed. For some, alcohol serves as a vehicle of escape from everyday worries, for others, it is a complement to a sumptuous meal or a nice relaxed evening. There are those people who have no use for alcohol whatsoever, either by choice or by necessity, and these people are tolerated.

At Rude Manor, the alcoholic gamut runs from beer of all types, to wines; red, white, corked and not, to any imaginable hard liquor sold.

Gourmet beers are usually abandoned for the basic everyday grocery store beer that is there to quench your thirst after hard work. The requirements are, (a) to purchase and maintain large quantities at all times and, (b) to keep the garage refrigerator fully stocked.

We have a large variety of wines, of which the corked collection is in constant rotation. There is continuous testing of new vintages and vineyards, celebration of new found wonder wines, and culling out of the old, wretched and corky. Please see below for updated wine picks of the month.

The official screw top variety of wine, Carlo Rossi Sangria, has remained the same over time . Recently, the latest discovery has been the boxed wines. They serve a purpose in that they are always fresh and ready for that unexpected guest that might drop in, or for the moment when you just want one glass of wine with lunch. (just one???) These boxed wines are also great to have on hand for cooking.

Alcoholic drinks can be used for medicinal purposes, also. At Rude Manor, there is a popular cure for what ails you, be it cold, flu, whatever, known as the chemotherapy drink. It consists of orange juice, vodka, and sangria over ice. One of them makes you not care if you are sick. Two of them make you comatose for approximately twelve hours.

The Rude Manor sommelier recommends the following beverages:

Rude Manor Wine Picks of the Month Updated (5-12-00)

Echelon Cabernet Sauvingnon 1997 (California Central Coast)

Jekel Cabernet Sauvingon 1997(California, Arroyo Seco, Monterey)

Anapamu Pinot Noir 1997 (California Central Coast)

Santa Julia Malbec 1995-1996 (Argentina, Mendoza region) (good luck)

Carmenet Cabernet Sauvignon "Dynamite" 1997 (California, North Coast) (good luck)

Rabbit Ridge Merlot 1997 (California, Russian River Valley)

Georges Du Boeuf Merlot 1998 (France)

Georges Du Boeuf Cabernet Sauvignon 1998 (France)

Georges Du Boeuf Chardonnay 1998 (France)

On another note, food at rude manor is optional, but food sometimes makes a drink taste better. For some Bacheloresque type recipes that are simple to make, taste good and stick to your ribs, take a look at our Rude Manor CookBook .

Stealth---Three Kitties---On Aging---Sports Page---Cookbook---Top Drink Picks---Man Talk---The Four New Kitties