The three children that came to live with us after Stealth died are Chuck, Miss and Micro. These felines are also Russian Blues, albeit not purebred, but nonetheless, Russian Blues. Each of them came from animal shelters or from people who had rescued them from abandonment. From their behavior, you can tell that the two older cats were somewhat abused, but with time, these manifestations of their past are slowly fading.

Chuck , the largest and oldest of the three, weighs in at around 15-17 pounds. He was found out back of a restaurant in Edmond, OK with the rest of his family.

He and his sister were rescued to a safe house here in OKC where they lived until they were about 6 months old. Chuck's sister was adopted first, so the poor guy was living in a bedroom all by his lonesome.

We found out about him in the paper one Sunday and practically raced over to get him. He had a little trouble getting used to the house, but now he acts like he owns the place, ordering us to let him in and out and in and out.

He is very stocky and muscular, but he tends to get a bit robust after making his rounds in the neighborhood. He is mostly a gentle giant, vary wary of his surroundings, not trusting of too many people, but very loving when he gets to know you.

He enjoys sleeping on his back,, being toweled down when he is wet,, having his butter treat in the morning, , and taking male-bonding naps with Dad in the afternoon. Occasionally, he will bring us a present...and then have to chew on it a while...Sometimes he just scares us to death running around on the roof.And then he has to tell us about it.

Missy Miss is the certifiable nut case in the group. She can be the most loving cat in the whole house, as long as she is the ONLY cat in the whole house. She is very jealous and possessive, but we feel that is a survival mechanism she used in order to get fed and stay alive when times were tough.

When she came to us, she would only eat the crusts off of bread and lick the condensed water off of the outside of your glass. She was a refugee from Free To Live in far North Edmond, OK, where she lived for a short while. Her Godmother, Kathy, found her at a PetSmart adoption clinic and called us.

Missy likes to hunt, catch and eat birds,, another survival mechanism, I guess. She likes to occupy the most recent sleeping place of any other cat in the house. Missy likes small confined spaces. Maybe they make her feel more secure. Whatever the case, they make for good photo ops.

Territory is a big issue with these three, and they rarely share the same space unless they are fighting.

The youngest and tiniest of the bunch is Micro. She is, we are discovering, the runt of her litter. She is much smaller than any of our cats and is full grown, but still looks like a kitten. The downside to this is that she is usually sick with a cold. She's a tough one, though. She takes her pills like a trooper and comes back for treats. Lately, thanks to Dr Hays, she is doing much better. No runny nose or eyes! She has not been sick for almost six months now, as of June, 2000. Yeah!

We almost lost her recently when the garage door came down on her head. She had a concussion, but has recovered nicely. We have a new garage door opener now, but we as parents have barely recovered.

Being so small, Micro gets cold easily and does not spend much time outdoors unless the weather is nice. She enjoys her palette by the fire, but we have to check to make sure she does not get too hot on one side. We turn her like a rotisserie throughout the day.

Micro also likes to hunt the birdies, and has been known to bring a big red winged blackbird in through the kitty door on occasion, only to let it go as soon as she's in the house.

Because she still looks like a kitten, Micro gets lots of attention. She enjoys having her picture taken and will purposely pose and yell at you until you take her picture.

She is always worried about the kitty that lives on the other side of the mirror.

She will sit and look at her for hours, talking and screaming to her at the top of her lungs

Stealth---Three Kitties---On Aging---Sports Page---Cookbook---Top Drink Picks---Man Talk---The Four New Kitties