Keeping the carcass in shape.
Most of the daylight hours at Rude Manor are taken up by activities that are classified as working out. This flurry of physical activity is meant to retain the youthful physique of a roman gladiator and to keep the robust mental and physical health we all enjoyed in our twenties.
Early morning hours are occupied by general stretching, flexibility, strength and definition exercises. Occasionally, a brisk two mile walk at dawn is thrown in for good measure.
Weather permitting, either late morning or early afternoon is relegated to outdoor aerobic activities such as bicycling twelve miles around the lake. In inclement weather, afternoons are spent on the stationary bike, more weight training, and swimming laps for about 30-40 minutes. Throw in a good hearty lunch and a well deserved nap smothered by one or two sleepy kitties and you have a pretty full day.

Another reason we work out all day, every day is to keep our youthful brain cells in shape. Sometimes though, our hectic lives, genetics, and mere age wreak havoc on our mental agility. Here are some examples of how our brains can deteriorate throughout the decades:

Have you ever tried to unlock the door to your classroom with your car alarm remote?

How about trying to unlock your car door with the garage door opener?

Have you ever tried to start your car with your locker room key?

Have you ever lost the remote to the television and found it, with the salt shaker, in the refrigerator?

Do you spend thirty minutes looking for something you had in your hand only moments ago?

How many days does it take you to accidently throw away the tv guide after it comes in the newspaper on Sunday? (Our record is half a day. It was gone by Sunday night.)

Do you constantly get up to go do something and then stand there in the next room wondering why you are there?

When you are trying to leave to go somewhere simple, say, the hardware store, how many trips back in to the house do you make before you leave?

After you get back from the hardware store, can you remember what you bought?

I think these things have happened to most of us at one point or another. If not, just wait. At least we're not wearing our underwear outside our clothes yet.

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