Who was Stealth?
Stealth was a stocky, bulldog legged, male Russian Blue cat who waltzed into Rude Manor one day and captured our hearts for ever.
His intelligence ranked above most human IQ's, and his communication skills were phenomenal. He knew what most people were saying or thinking and reacted accordingly. He memorized peoples' schedules to his culinary and nap taking advantage.
Stealth was a friendly cat. He never picked a fight with anyone, although he was known to have defended his territory fiercely in his day. He would make friends with every person in the complex, on the block or in the surrounding square mile of country. Where ever he was living at the time, he would make his "rounds" and visit everyone, helping clean the pool here, taking a nap on the couch there. He loved seeing his "friends", both human and feline, every day.
His forte was knowing when people were not feeling well. For whatever reason, be it depression or illness, he would be there, next to you, making you feel loved and cared for.
He had a mechanism for waking you up that rivaled any known alarm. If you were sleeping soundly and he needed out, or fed, or just wanted to talk, he would butt his forehead up against yours with such force that it would literally knock you out of a deep sleep.
He had a kitty door complete with doorbell in the screen door. If the weather was pleasant, the heavy door would be open and he could come and go as he pleased. If the weather turned nasty, the heavy door would obviously be closed. He would ring his doorbell, we would dutifully open the door and he would come through his kitty door.
Stealth rarely meowed. He could say more with a single facial expression than all the literary volumes of the world. He enjoyed watching football and the weather channel, as well as assorted Discovery Channel cat and bird shows.
His physical skill as a feline was impressive to say the least. He could climb up a redwood post to the second level of an apartment complex without turning a hair. He walked along narrow railings two stories up and lay in the sun to bathe with his rear half hanging out over the edge. Nothing scared him.

Stealth---Three Kitties---On Aging---Sports Page---Cookbook---Top Drink Picks---Man Talk---The Four New Kitties