Welcome To Rude Manor.com
What is Rude Manor?
Rude Manor is a concept. It is a lifestyle that follows the occupant from one dwelling to the next. It is a transferable title that applies to the abode itself and the inhabitants, their activities while at Rude Manor, and their way of thinking.
The Rude Manor lifestyle includes large doses of sports. Any type of sports will do, but football reigns supreme. Most waking hours are dedicated to this game, especially from an era known as "when men were men" (see photo left).

A frequent pastime at Rude Manor is an activity know as "bad-mouthing women".This is not necessarily intended to offend any particular woman or even women in general. It is meant as a male bonding activity, rarely repeated outside the confines of Rude Manor and almost never in the presence of women. Most "bad-mouthing" is proudly shared, compared, and ranked in order of the amount of caustic wit applied. The players in this game act as contestants in a verbal coliseum, feeding women to the lions.
A fair amount of time at the Manor is dedicated to discussing the condition of the carcass. What parts have been carved on (or off), what works, what doesn't and general aches and pains are all popular topics of conversation. Keeping the carcass in good shape is also a full time job taking up most, if not allwaking hours during the day. A drastic, constant workout session continues most of the day, with breaks for the necessary naps, food, and occasional, albeit inconvenient, work.
Consuming alcoholic beverages is a requirement at Rude Manor. There are no limits on quantity, quality, or rapidity of consumption. Being able to conduct oneself in a relatively tolerable manner throughout the imbibing process is admired amongst colleagues.
Rude Manor involves giving a loving home to abandoned abused kitties. The most revered feline ever at Rude Manor was Stealth. A stocky, muscular Russian Blue, Stealth came to live at Rude Manor in July, 1996, as a 3 month old kitten. He chose his parents one beautiful sunny afternoon by the pool. He was more intelligent than most humans and unfortunately met an untimely death in October, 1998.
There are now three new kitties taking Stealth's place (it took three of these guys to make up for the loss of one of Stealth.) Chuck, Miss, and Micro are three different sizes, variations, and personalities of Russian Blue. They tend to lord over the inhabitants of the Manor, demanding their every whim be fulfilled. The inhabitants gladly obey in return for love and affection afforded them by the kitties.
Rude Manor is, above all, a lifestyle. It is a male oriented, (but not a male dominated), society focused upon having a good time, being comfortable, not planning anything and not following anyone's rules. The Rude Manor lifestyle values good food, good drink, good friends, good health, and good times. There are no boundaries. But you must have an invitation.
Come on in and learn more.....

Stealth---Three Kitties---On Aging---Sports Page---Cookbook---Top Drink Picks---Man Talk---The Four New Kitties

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